Cardinal’s Directive Overview

Earlier this year Cardinal John gave a directive to all of the parishes within the Wellington Archdiocese to review the number and condition of churches and presbyteries in each parish and develop a plan to use the assets more wisely.

Due to the reduced number of priests, earthquake resiliency of our structures, and the priorities of the 2017 Archdiocesan Synod the Church cannot continue on it’s current path. This is also a time to reflect on how to meet the pastoral needs of the church community and how we want to influence the community outside of our churches. A detailed proposal, including 10 year maintenance plan, must be submitted to the Archdiocese by the 30th of October.

For more information on the Cardinal’s directive you can read the Cardinal’s Memo and explanation of the review.

In response to this the Te Awakairangi Parish Pastoral Leadership team has convened a Steering Committee to oversee and coordinate the implementation of Cardinal John’s directive.

Role of Steering Group

To oversee and co-ordinate the Parish’s effort to implement the Directive including consultation with all parishioners, gathering required information to present informed options, coordinating with neighbouring churches and managing the timetable for the completion of the Review by the due date.

Focus of Steering Group

  • To take a “whole of Parish perspective” in working with and through existing Parish structures (Parish Pastoral Team, Parish Council and Parish Finance Committee).
  • To be the parish liaison body in consultations with adjoining parishes
  • To prepare the report on the outcomes of the review process

Members of the Steering Committee:

  • Tony McKone – Chair
  • Philip Adamcyzk
  • Fr Cirilo Barlis
  • Maureen Johnson
  • Carolyn Sutherland
  • John O’Sullivan
  • Barbara Rowley
  • Jo Buckley

Process for developing proposal

The Steering Committee wishes to remind parishioners as we enter into this period of discernment to maintain a focus on the pastoral needs of the people within our parish boundaries.  This means not just a focus on ourselves, but on our wider community.  How can we ensure that we have the infrastructure in place to cater for the future needs of the pastoral needs of all peoples within our parish community?

Dialogue with all parishioners as an essential part of the review, requiring the provision of factual information and the opportunity for all parishioners, young and old, to provide input/comment on what steps you believe should be taken to implement the Cardinal’s Directive. Cardinal John has told us that the status quo is not an option.

The Steering Committee will ensure you are regularly advised of what is happening as well as when and how you can have input through multiple channels such as meetings, website updates and personal or group submissions.  We want you to have access to all the relevant information that is available, and so on our Parish Website you will have access to information about our Mass Counts, the preliminary thinking of the Development Group that Fr Patrick convened last year, and other information as it becomes available.

As ideas come in and start to form, we will also share this information with you so that you can have the opportunity to comment on the evolving discernment.  Finally, when we have a draft report on what we, the people of Te Awakairangi, see as the future needs of our parish, we will share this with you for comment and feedback before we finalise the report and send it to Cardinal John.