Why are we doing this?
Cardinal John has tasked all parishes within the archdioceses to rationalize all building assets and from this develop a plan to close churches and presbyteries. The Cardinal has made this decision based on the declining number of priests and parishioners as well as the unsustainable operating costs of maintaining the current facilities.
When is this happening?
A plan for the future of the parish must be submitted to the Cardinal by 30 October 2019.
How can I get involved?
Please read the proposed solution document and submit your feedback through a short survey online or you can speak to a Parish Council Representative in person or by emailing teawakairangi.ppc@gmail.com.
How can I make a suggestion if I don’t have all the information?
We are providing information once we get it but we always want suggestions on how to care for the pastoral needs of our parishioners and the larger community; including the marginalized.
Who is collecting this information?
We have a Steering Committee which is made up of members from all churches and key committees within the church who are discovering and confirming the information to help us make this decision.
Who is on the Steering Committee?
The Steering Committee is made up of chairs and representatives from the Pastoral Team, the Parish Pastoral Council, the Parish Finance Committee, Schools and the Development Committee. It includes:
Is the Archdiocese doing this just to benefit from these plans?
Any money gained by the sale of property or other measures in the plan goes directly into a Te Awakairangi account to be spent or saved as the parish sees fit and is not able to be accessed by the Archdiocese.